
Home Infusion: Safe, Cost Effective, and Patient Preferred

In recent years, the home has expanded its role. Though people are moving about freely since the pandemic, many still prefer to work remotely, have groceries and takeout delivered, and do more from the location of their choosing. There’s no place like home, and with medical care, there’s no exception.

For many needing regular infusions, choosing home as their site of care is a convenient and comfortable option. Research indicates home infusion as a safe method of receiving immunoglobulin (IG) therapy for primary immunodeficiencies, autoimmune neuropathies, and a wide range of other acute and chronic conditions.1,2,3 For some home infusion patients, like those with hemophilia, studies have shown clinical outcomes to be better with a 40% (0.50-0.70) reduced likelihood of hospitalization for bleeding complications.4

Additional benefits to home infusion include:
  • Less risk of infection. Hospitals and infusion centers can take every precaution available, yet in these environments patients still have the potential for exposure to bacteria or viruses they would likely not encounter in their homes.
  • Cost savings. Home infusion reduces the burden on costlier sites of care, saving money for both patients and payers.5
  • Patient well being.. Patients report significantly better physical and mental well being with less disruption to daily activities, overwhelmingly prefering home infusion.4

BioMatrix Specialty Pharmacy partners with outpatient hospitals and Ambulatory Infusion Centers (AIC) to coordinate home infusion services for patients. Our home infusion services:

  • Promote positive health outcomes and cost savings

  • Alleviate provider burden and promote timely access to care by facilitating prior authorizations, financial assistance, and appeals

  • Provide transfer-of-care support for patients with narrow or carved out specialty pharmacy networks by initiating a warm transfer to an in-network provider of your choice

  • Ensure patient safety and minimize adverse reactions by remaining with the patient for at least 30 minutes after therapy administration

  • Connect the patient to third-party resources reducing financial barriers to care 

  • Provide nationwide home nursing support, including rural areas 

  • Include therapeutically-focused clinical assessments and targeted interventions meeting the specific clinical and psychosocial needs of every patient

BioMatrix’s focus on safety begins well before the patient is infused with their first dose of medication in the home.

Our nursing and pharmacy teams work hand in hand at every step of the patient journey. This includes our efforts around home infusion services. To support our patients across the country, BioMatrix has contracted with over 200 Nursing agencies nationwide. We continually bring new agencies into the fold. Each agency is thoroughly vetted to ensure that they meet our rigorous standards and are knowledgeable regarding the Infusion Nurses Society guidelines for infusion therapy in the home. 

Just as the nursing agencies we contract with are thoroughly vetted, so too are the individual home infusion nurses. Every home infusion nurse assigned to enter a patient’s home is required to meet (over the phone or virtually) with our nurse clinicians prior to providing service. Our nurses evaluate the infusion RN’s level of competency to provide the care ordered. If further education or training is needed this is arranged and completed before the start of care. Prescribed therapy is reviewed in detail to make sure the appropriate protocols are followed and the services provided are safe and seamless. If at any time our nurse clinicians determine that a particular home infusion nurse does not meet the standard of competency that we at BioMatrix strive for, we re-group and re-staff the case with an alternate home infusion nurse.  

When entering a patient’s home, the home infusion nurses we work with follow all standard precautions and wear appropriate personal protective equipment. They also take the time to identify and review safety measures the patient can follow in the home both during and after infusion. Working together our team helps patients mitigate any issues to establish a safe environment for home infusion.

If you are a provider, consider referring patients who…

• Are at high risk for infection

• Repeatedly miss appointments or need assistance with therapy adherence

• Have transportation challenges

• Have a complex work or personal schedule

Watch our video here to learn more about our home infusion services.

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1. Le Masson G, Solé G, Desnuelle C, et al. (2018). Home versus hospital immunoglobulin treatment for autoimmune neuropathies: a cost minimization analysis. Brain Behav. 2018;8(2):e00923. doi: 10.1002/brb3.923

2. Luthra R, Quimbo R, Iyer R, Luo M. (2014). An analysis of intravenous immunoglobin site of care: home versus outpatient hospital. Am J Pharm Benefits. 2014;6(2):e41-e49.

3. Schmidt R. (2012). Home Infusion Therapy: Safety, Efficacy, and Cost-Savings. PSQH.

4. Polinski J, Kowal M, Gagnon M, Brennan T, Shrank W. (2016). Home infusion: Safe, clinically effective, patient preferred, and cost saving. NIH.

5. Home Infusion Creates Savings for Patients, Taxpayers. NHIA.

His Blood... the Ink Inside My Veins

By Sawsen Jamaleddin

The aroma of ginger and garlic swirls in and out of my nostrils, tap dancing inside a wok of hot oil, overpowering the sterility of bleach that has inhabited our house for the past year. The two women in our small kitchen are dressed in matching blue uniforms. They are stirring and whispering as the flame of the oven rises and relaxes against the hum of the microwave vent. The one with brown curly hair notices me and smiles. The other is so tall that I question the ceiling. But I have stopped questioning their presence. Hunger is stronger than my curiosity. Fear is better than knowing.

The tall one moves the wok back and forth with a grace that reminds me of a swaying palm tree. “How was school?” she asks, sprinkling small conversation between us, her eyes as warm as the heat fogging up the windows. I have no words to respond. At ten years old, my tongue refuses to work with my mind. Years of a lisp and speech therapy and I still can’t form the question that is on my mind. What is wrong with my father? I know she knows what I don’t.

She was there the day I opened my parent’s always-closed bedroom door and ran inside with a set of BIC pens that I bought for my father’s upcoming 43rd birthday. When I neared his bed, I did not recognize the skeletal body in front of me. Brown eyes that resembled mine opened, disoriented, turning into droplets of despair when he blinked at me. His dark skin looked faded in the light of sun, the cascading rays revealing an IV that protruded from his arm. He resembled a prisoner of war, starved, resigned. All I wanted to do was bandage the pain, cover his bones with my skin, drape my eyes from seeing, from imprinting the image of my father in front of me.

“Who is she?” he asked staring at me. Shock stood numbly between us. The set of pens fell from my hands, unwilling to write the tragic chapter unfolding.

It was then that I noticed movement in the corner, the tall woman making her presence known, as she stood up from the opposite side of the room and rushed to pick up the set of BIC pens off the floor. She put the jumbled pens in my palm and ushered me out of the room.

Weeks later, my father lost the war of life.

The kettle sputters and seethes. I turn the stove off and pour the water into a floral cup that has survived my move into wifehood. I open the white canister to get a tea bag when I suddenly feel a rush of liquid run down my legs. The vinyl tile in the small kitchen has become a pool of amniotic fluid. At twenty-two years old, I am going into labor for the first time. It seems that my unborn daughter is as patient as boiling water.

“Ahmad,” I call out to my husband of less than a year, “it’s time!” He sprints out of the room, then stands frozen by the murky water in front of him, a look of excitement and fear crisscross across his face. The ride to the hospital took less than ten minutes, but once we got there, labor seemed endless. After more than twenty-four hours of what-the-hell-was-I-thinking screaming, along with spurts of meconium leaking from my womb, an emergency c-section was the only option to deliver my baby safely.

Once the epidural was given, everything became hazy. All I remember before the blackness is hearing the doctor’s panicked voice in the background, “She’s losing a lot of blood.” When I woke up, it took me a while to orient myself to where I was. My husband was seated in a chair facing the window. My mother was seated beside him. My newborn daughter was in a bassinet beside my bed. I tried to move my arms to pick her up, but my limbs felt like spaghetti. Pain ricocheted throughout my body. I stifled my scream when a nurse came in and handed me pain medication. Then the doctor walked in.

He congratulated us and then explained I had lost a lot of blood during surgery. “I’m wondering if you have von Willebrand disease?” he questions me. Von-what? I thought. It was the first time I had heard that word. I shook my head no.

“You lost a lot of blood. I would like you to have a blood transfusion,” he advised. My mother stood up. “No,” she shook her head adamantly, “No blood transfusion.” Why not? I wondered for a fleeting second until brain fog and pain clouded my curiosity that I said nothing. The doctor sighed, “We’ll try an iron infusion instead.” My mother nodded for the both of us.

Depending on who you ask, childbirth seemed like a small pinch compared to a wisdom tooth extraction. Once my teeth were extracted, strong painkillers were prescribed, and I devoured them like M&Ms until I became aware that the more I took, the more my mouth bled. When the pain finally eased without medication, gauze pads still had traces of blood more than a month after the procedure.

During the follow-up appointment, I asked the dentist if the ongoing mouth bleeding was normal. “Everyone is different,” he answered. Instead of demanding he investigate my concern, I walked out with more gauze. It took another month for the bleeding to stop. I have never had another tooth extraction. However, I did have three more children. Motherhood is a dizzying merry-go-round.

A year after my daughter was born, my nephew also made his entrance, granting me the title of Aunt. It was a year of new beginnings, but it was also a year of numerous hospital visits. I couldn’t understand the unexplained bruises that riddled my nephew’s small body. It reminded me of a past life, one I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

After a light fall from a bunk bed when he was five years old, an egg-shaped bump on my nephew’s kneecap formed, making it hard for him to walk. My sister took him to the hospital to get some answers. After waiting nervously for some news, my mother called to share the diagnosis. “The doctors think he has hemophilia,” she said reluctantly. Although it was the first time consciously hearing that word, it felt oddly familiar. “Your father had hemophilia,” she explained, but didn’t elaborate.

That night I googled the word: Hemophilia. Bleeding disorder. I searched for the cure. Incurable. The next day my younger brother and I drove to the hospital together to visit my nephew. “You know Dad had hemophilia, right?” He asked, not waiting for my answer. Something about the way he braced his hands across the headrest made me sit up straight and pay attention to what he was about to say. Although he was younger than me by two years, he was closer to my mother, and I knew whatever he was going to say was going to be insider information. “You know how Dad died, right?” I said nothing. This question was something I’d been wondering about since the day he took his last breath. “He got HIV from a tainted blood infusion.”

Staring out at the twirling hands of a turbine while my father drove, his hands clutching the steering wheel so tightly his olive-colored knuckles looked as faded as the clouds that traveled with us. I never asked where we were going. I was simply happy to miss a day of school, excited to bask in my father’s presence since he was always on the go, even when it seemed like his limp made it hard for him to go the distance. For as long as I remember, my father always walked that way. It was more pronounced when he was standing for a long time. He never complained and I never questioned it, thinking he was just born that way.

But there are things I wish I had questioned then, things that my young mind wondered about, like the vials of medicine in his closet that were neatly stacked beneath his coats, the times he spent a few days in the hospital and came home without an explanation. Or the nurses who used to go into my parent’s room before I went to school, and when I would return, the smell of Asian food would waft through the house – sometimes I wonder if that is where my love for Chinese food came from.

Was I trying to hold on to the time my father was alive? To the moments when I didn’t need answers because he was still alive, and that was all that mattered? Or was I too afraid to wander into the truth for why there were nurses around the clock, and instead, chose to comfort myself with the food they fed me and my siblings? Sometimes I wish I could pause and rewind the years to get the information that medical records no longer contain. I wish I could ask my father just one question: Can you tell me all about you so I can know more about me?

After more tests, my nephew was diagnosed with severe hemophilia. He needed clotting factor. It was then that I examined my lifetime of symptoms. The excessive bleeding. The unexplained bruises. The joint pain. I requested genetic testing for myself as well as testing for my factor VIII level, along with my children. My children were cleared genetically, and their factor levels came back normal. But I held the mutation gene. My factor level came back at 42. I knew then that I too needed factor. I also knew that I too had hemophilia. Not only was it factored in my blood, but in my joints, the result of years without proper diagnosis and treatment.

However, getting diagnosed as a woman with a predominantly male bleeding disorder is like trying to convince a giraffe it is of average height. Or like trying to convince your blood to clot by just shouting at it. The struggle to be heard and be taken seriously is absurd, but painfully real.

Sitting in various waiting rooms has given me a newfound appreciation for HGTV and the Food Network. It has also given me an abundance of patience that seems necessary when dealing with a bleeding disorder. The last hematologist I visited when I was thirty-six told me it was a “mystery of life” why my joints ached. She gave me the classic carrier status associated with being the daughter of a severe hemophiliac. She discarded the results of my genetic mutation, discarded my low factor VIII level, discarded my low ferritin level, and basically told me my symptoms were imaginary.

If only that were the case, then I’d will my blood to clot, I’d will my restless legs at night to stop shaking, heck, I’d will Starbucks to deliver a few shots of espressos on the spot. And I’d request a lot of ice. Because my chronic anemia demands a cold wake-up call in the morning. The truth is if I were a boy, all these symptoms would ensure a quick diagnosis. Hemophilia. And swift treatment. Factor. But my double X-chromosome warrants a shoulder shrug and the concerned-for-my-mental-health stare from various hematologists.

During the pandemic, I learned about the Hemophilia Federation of America and joined my first virtual session. It was then I realized that my story was like many women with bleeding disorders. We have been made to feel like we don’t matter. We are often overlooked and underheard. When I finally received a referral to get diagnosed, I was ecstatic. But the catch was that the clinic was hundreds of miles away from my house. I knew it was the only option for me as a woman to get diagnosed.

Once I arrived at the clinic, I felt reassured. After asking me a few rounds of questions and performing lab work, I was sent home with hope. Once the results came in, I was relieved. Mild hemophilia. It was the truth I had waited for; it was the written proof validating years of pain.

But the reality is that getting diagnosed is not enough. Treatment must be implemented. Words of reassurance that I am fine from healthcare professionals do not stop the bleeding. They do not change history. The Hemophilia Holocaust took my father. If more care isn’t taken, more lives are at risk by not getting the proper treatment.

At thirty-nine years old, my joints ache. My body hurts. You can often find me resting in bed, reading a book, or complaining how depleted of energy I am. I feel a lot of my exhaustion is due to having to fight twice as hard with medical professionals, to warrant a proper diagnosis for my bleeding disorder and to receive treatment. It should not have taken hundreds of miles and numerous hospital visits to find a doctor who acknowledges women with bleeding disorders.

It is time that a woman is taken seriously. She knows her body. If she is seeking help from a medical professional, it is not because she likes to watch paint dry while watching DIY home remodeling shows, no matter how nice the shade, or watch how to cook pasta while wearing an adult diaper, praying the blood doesn’t leak through her clothes until she can meet with a doctor, only to leave empty-handed searching for the nearest restroom to assess the damage.

It is time the past stops bleeding into the present. It is time a woman is given the red-carpet treatment in the bleeding disorders community because she bleeds just as much as a man, if not more.


Sawsen Jamaleddin is American by birth and Palestinian by heritage. Sawsen earned her Bachelor of Arts in educational studies from Western Governors University and is a substitute teacher. She lives with her husband and four children. She enjoys writing and traveling and is excited at finally being able to connect with women who share her history in the world of bleeding diagnosis. Sawsen was reintroduced to her family history of hemophilia when she was 29 years old. She is passionate about advocating for women in the bleeding disorders community.

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Entendiendo la Redeterminación para los Beneficiarios de Medicaid y CHIP

Todos los beneficiarios de Medicaid se Someterán a una Revisión de Elegibilidad en los Próximos Meses

Si sus beneficios de seguro médico son proporcionados por Medicaid o CHIP (Programa de seguro médico para niños), es importante comprender cómo la redeterminación podría afectar sus beneficios médicos en los próximos meses. Este artículo explica la redeterminación, describe por qué los estados están pasando por el proceso de redeterminación, brinda información sobre cómo prepararse para la redeterminación e incluye recursos para mantener el acceso a la cobertura de seguro si ya no es elegible para Medicaid o CHIP debido al proceso de redeterminación.

¿Qué es la Redeterminación?

Redeterminación es un término que se usa para describir el proceso de volver a verificar la elegibilidad para los beneficios de salud del gobierno, como Medicaid. Todas las personas que actualmente reciben beneficios de Medicaid y/o CHIP se someterán a una redeterminación en los próximos meses. Los estados deben comenzar el proceso de redeterminación antes del 1 de abril, y muchos estados comienzan el 1 de febrero. Los estados tendrán 12 meses para completar el proceso de redeterminación una vez que comiencen. Los beneficiarios de Medicaid que no completen el proceso de redeterminación perderán sus beneficios de Medicaid. Para ayudar en el proceso, la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC) está permitiendo que los estados y los planes de atención administrada envíen mensajes de texto a los beneficiarios.

¿Por qué Medicaid y CHIP están pasando por este período de redeterminación?

Durante la pandemia, el mandato federal de emergencia de salud pública de COVID-19 no permitió que los estados cancelaran la inscripción de ninguno de sus beneficiarios de Medicaid. Esto aumentó significativamente el número de beneficiarios de Medicaid. En los últimos dos años, casi 1 de cada 4 estadounidenses se convirtieron en beneficiarios de Medicaid.1 Durante la pandemia, el gobierno envió dinero federal, fondos de emergencia de salud pública (PHE, por sus siglas en inglés), para cubrir la creciente población de Medicaid. Esos fondos de PHE están programados para vencer el 11 de mayo de este año.

¿Qué puedo hacer para prepararme para el proceso de redeterminación?

  1. Asegúrese de que su dirección, correo electrónico, número de teléfono y otra información estén actualizados.

    Asegúrese de recibir su carta y/o mensaje de texto de redeterminación de Medicaid confirme que tengan su información de contacto actualizada.

  2. Revise su correo y correo electrónico, y revíselo con frecuencia.

    Su estado se comunicará con usted eventualmente, así que esté listo para responder. No hay un “quizás” en esta redeterminación. Esto es seguro. Si su estado requiere que complete un formulario de renovación, hágalo de inmediato y devuélvalo a la dirección que figura en el formulario. Esto ayudará a evitar la pérdida de su cobertura.

  3. Tenga listo su comprobante de ingresos para compartir.

    Medicaid es un programa de asistencia federal basado en los ingresos de una persona y el nivel federal de pobreza. La prueba de ingresos probablemente se convertirá en una parte vital de la redeterminación.

¿Dónde puedo ir para obtener más información sobre el proceso de redeterminación de mi estado?

Visite el sitio web de Medicaid de su estado para obtener más información. La Federación Americana de Hemofilia ha creado una página que incluye enlaces, números de teléfono e información sobre los planes de Medicaid de cada estado. Accede a la página aquí.

¿Qué sucede si se cancela mi inscripción en un plan de Medicaid o CHIP como resultado de la redeterminación?

Si se canceló su inscripción, pero cree que todavía es elegible, puede pasar por el proceso de apelación. Puede leer sobre eso aquí, o comunicarse con BioMatrix.

Sin embargo, si se cancela su inscripción porque ya no califica para Medicaid o CHIP, es posible que pueda comprar un plan a través del Mercado de Seguros Médicos en Los planes son integrales y pueden costar tan solo $10/mes.

Lo principal que debe recordar es que, si cumple con los requisitos de Medicaid de su estado y completa todos los formularios de redeterminación solicitados en el plazo solicitado, su Medicaid permanecerá vigente. Si ya no califica para la cobertura de Medicaid, calificará para un "período de inscripción especial" y podrá asegurar la cobertura a través del intercambio de atención médica.

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  1. Pradhan, Rachana. “Why Millions on Medicaid are at Risk of Losing Coverage in the Months Ahead.” KHN. 14 Feb. 2022.

Neurological Disorders and Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Therapy

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is a type of immunotherapy that has been used for nearly 30 years to treat neurological disorders. IVIG was first approved by US regulatory agencies to treat chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), and multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) in 2008. In 2021, IVIG was approved to treat dermatomyositis.1

Neurological conditions for which IVIG currently has indicated use includes CIDP, severe dermatomyositis/polymyositis, Kawasaki syndrome, and multifocal motor neuropathy. IVIG has off-label use for Guillain-Barré syndrome and myasthenia gravis.2 While just as effective as plasmapheresis and steroids, unlike plasmapheresis and steroids, IVIG is found to be safe and effective long term.3

What is intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)?

Immunoglobulin (IG) given intravenously, or through a vein, is called intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). Immunoglobulin is a human blood product containing proteins that likely link themselves with antibodies or other substances directed at the nerve.4 It’s made from the donated antibodies of between 1,000-15,000 human donors per batch.5 The human body has different antibodies to fight different infections, like how there are different keys for different locks. If the body does not have enough antibodies or has damaged antibodies, IVIG can help replace them.

Where can a patient receive IVIG therapy?

A patient can typically receive IVIG therapy in their home or physician’s office. At BioMatrix, our nursing team coordinates the best site of care for scheduled infusions. For many patients needing regular infusions, choosing home as their site of care is a convenient and comfortable option. Research indicates that home infusion is a safe method of receiving IVIG therapy for neurological conditions.6,7,8

Additional benefits to home infusion include:

  • Less risk of infection. Hospitals and infusion centers can take every precaution available, yet in these environments patients still have the potential for exposure to bacteria or viruses they would likely not encounter in their homes.
  • Cost savings. Home infusion reduces the burden on costlier sites of care, saving money for both patients and payers.9
  • Patient wellbeing. Patients report significantly better physical and mental wellbeing with less disruption to daily activities, overwhelmingly preferring home infusion.10


The treatment of Neurological disorders using IVIG has become the standard of care in many neurological practices throughout the United States. BioMatrix provides site-of-care options for IVIG that offer convenience for patients and cost-savings to insurance providers. 

As a national provider of IG, BioMatrix also has broad access to brands and inventory supply. We purchase IG directly from manufacturers or manufacturers’ approved distributors, ensuring distribution channel integrity, proper handling, and quality control. 

To learn more about our IVIG capabilities to treat neurological conditions, visit:

DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. All information, content, and material is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider or as legal advice. Please consult a physician or other health care professional for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here or on our website.

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  1. Dalakas M. C. (2021). Update on Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Neurology: Modulating Neuro-autoimmunity, Evolving Factors on Efficacy and Dosing and Challenges on Stopping Chronic IVIg Therapy. Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, 18(4), 2397–2418.,IVIg%2Dresponding%20autoimmune%20neurological%20diseases.

  2. (2023). Indications. Lexicomp.

  3. Zandman-Goddard, G., Krauthammer, A., Levy, Y., Langevitz, P., & Shoenfeld, Y. (2012). Long-term therapy with intravenous immunoglobulin is beneficial in patients with autoimmune diseases. Clinical reviews in allergy & immunology, 42(2), 247–255.

  4. Shehata N. (2023) Patient education: Intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) (Beyond the Basics). UpToDate.,to%20help%20you%20fight%20infection

  5. Jolles S, Sewell WA, Misbah SA. Clinical uses of intravenous immunoglobulin. Clin Exp Immunol. 2005 Oct;142(1):1-11. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2249.2005.02834.x. PMID: 16178850; PMCID: PMC1809480.

  6. Le Masson G, Solé G, Desnuelle C, et al. (2018). Home versus hospital immunoglobulin treatment for autoimmune neuropathies: a cost minimization analysis. Brain Behav. 2018;8(2):e00923. doi: 10.1002/brb3.923

  7. Luthra R, Quimbo R, Iyer R, Luo M. (2014). An analysis of intravenous immunoglobin site of care: home versus outpatient hospital. Am J Pharm Benefits. 2014;6(2):e41-e49.

  8. Schmidt R. (2012). Home Infusion Therapy: Safety, Efficacy, and Cost-Savings. PSQH.

  9. Home Infusion Creates Savings for Patients, Taxpayers. NHIA.

  10. Polinski J, Kowal M, Gagnon M, Brennan T, Shrank W. (2016). Home infusion: Safe, clinically effective, patient preferred, and cost saving. NIH.

Understanding Redetermination for Medicaid and CHIP Beneficiaries

All Medicaid beneficiaries will undergo an eligibility review in the coming months.

If your health insurance benefits are provided by Medicaid and/or CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program), it is important to understand how redetermination could impact your health benefits in the coming months. This article explains redetermination, outlines why states are undergoing the redetermination process, provides information for how to prepare for redetermination, and includes resources for maintaining access to insurance coverage if no longer eligible for Medicaid or CHIP because of the redetermination process.

What is Redetermination?

Redetermination is a term used to describe the process of re-verifying eligibility for government health benefits such as Medicaid. All persons currently receiving Medicaid and/or CHIP benefits will undergo redetermination in the coming months. States must start the redetermination process by April 1, with many states starting as early as February 1. States will have 12 months to complete the redetermination process once they begin. Medicaid beneficiaries who fail to complete the redetermination process will lose their Medicaid benefits. To aid the process, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is allowing states and managed care plans to text beneficiaries.

Why are Medicaid and CHIP going through this redetermination period?

During the pandemic, the federal COVID-19 public health emergency mandate did not allow states to disenroll any of its Medicaid recipients. This significantly increased the number of Medicaid beneficiaries. Over the past two years, almost 1 in 4 Americans became Medicaid recipients.1 During the pandemic, the government floated federal money—Public Health Emergency (PHE) funds—to cover the growing Medicaid population. Those PHE funds are scheduled to expire May 11 of this year.

What can I do to prepare for the redetermination process? 

  1. Make sure your address, email, phone number, and other information are up to date. Make sure you get your Medicaid redetermination letter and/or text by assuring they have the most current contact information for you.

  2. Check your mail and email, and check it frequently. Your state will contact you eventually, so be ready to respond. There is no “maybe” in this redetermination. This is certain. If your state requires you to complete a renewal form, do so promptly and return it via the listed address on the form. This will help avoid gap in your coverage.

  3. Have your proof of income ready to share. Medicaid is a federal assistance program based upon an individual’s income and the federal poverty level. Proof of income will likely become a vital part of redetermination.

Where can I go to learn more about my state’s redetermination process?

Go to your state Medicaid’s website to learn more. The Hemophilia Federation of America has created a page including links, phone numbers, and information about each state’s Medicaid plans. Access the page here.

What if I am disenrolled from a Medicaid or CHIP plan as a result of redetermination?

If you are disenrolled but believe you are still eligible, you may go through the appeals process. You can read about that here or reach out to BioMatrix.

If, however, you are disenrolled because you no longer qualify for Medicaid or CHIP, you may be able to buy a plan through Health Insurance Marketplace at Plans are comprehensive and can be as little as $10/mo.

The primary thing to remember is that if you meet your state’s Medicaid requirements and complete all the requested redetermination forms in the time frame requested, your Medicaid will stay in place. If you no longer qualify for Medicaid coverage, you will qualify for a “special enrollment period” and can secure coverage through the healthcare exchange. 

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  1. Pradhan, Rachana. “Why Millions on Medicaid are at Risk of Losing Coverage in the Months Ahead.” KHN. 14 Feb. 2022.

Black History Month Spotlight: Ella P. Stewart

As we celebrate Black History Month, it’s important to pause and remember the achievements by Black Americans and their critical, central role in United States history. Here, we spotlight Ella P. Stewart—a pharmacist, entrepreneur, clubwoman, civic reformer, goodwill ambassador, civil rights leader, and women's rights advocate.

Ella P. Stewart

Ella Nora Philips Stewart was one of the first Black American female pharmacists in the US. She was born March 6th, 1893 during a period of strict, racial segregation. She attended a high school in West Virginia which was the only school in the region that accepted students of all races. After graduating high school, Stewart married a fellow graduate. Their only child, Virginia, died from whooping cough, and the couple went on to divorce. 

Though educated to be a teacher, Stewart went on to work as a pharmacy bookkeeper which led her to pursue her career as a pharmacist. Though initially turned down, she convinced the admissions staff at University of Pittsburgh to let her enroll in their pharmacist program. In 1916 she was the first Black woman to graduate from the School of Pharmacy at University of Pittsburgh. Despite being segregated from other students, Steward graduated with high marks, passing her state exam. After becoming the first Black woman licensed to practice pharmacology in the state of Pennsylvania, Stewart worked at the general hospital and managed a drugstore which she later purchased. She went on to purchase another drugstore, though because of health issues, ended up selling to a fellow pharmacy school graduate, William Stewart, whom she married in 1920. 

The couple moved to Youngstown, Ohio, and Stewart applied for a pharmacist position at a local hospital advertised as being open to whites only. She got the job, and her employment helped influence the elimination of discriminatory practices at the hospital. Some time later after also living in Detroit, the Stewarts moved to Toledo, Ohio and opened the first Black-owned drugstore there called Stewart’s Pharmacy in 1922.

Committed to advancing people in the Black community, the Stewarts opened their apartment above their pharmacy to host club and organization meetings as well as welcome Black travelers who were turned down by local hotels. Stewart served as president of the National Association of Colored Women (NACW) who’s effective lobbying led to passage of anti-lynching and anti-poll tax legislation, fair employment practices legislation, equal opportunity for housing and education, the support of black-owned businesses, and the development and expansion of endowment and scholarship funds for young black women. Stewart also served as the commissioner to UNESCO and vice president of the U.S. Chapter of the Pan-Pacific and Southeast Asia Women’s Association (and its international vice president). In the early 1950’s, she went on to serve on the U.S. Department of Labor’s Women’s Advisory Board. Stewart was also active in her local Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), Toledo League of Women Voters (the first African-American member), the League of City Mothers, the Toledo Council of Churches, and The Enterprise Charity Club (a black women's philanthropic club which provided assistance to Toledo families). Stewart received the Distinguished Alumni Award from University of Pittsburgh and was inducted into the Ohio Women’s Hall of Fame in 1978. Of her many awards and recognitions, the one that she treasured the most was the naming of a Toledo elementary school after her—the Ella P. Stewart Academy for Girls.

Stewart’s motto was "Fight for human dignity and world peace." Despite tragedy and much discrimination throughout her life, she continued to press on to overcome educational and career barriers and to help achieve basic human rights both for herself and other Black Americans. Her fight for justice has left an immeasurable legacy both for pharmacy and civil rights as well as local, national, and global policies.

Sources and further reading:

Pharmacist and Civil Rights Leader: The Life of Ella P. Stewart. Ohio History Connection.

MS 203 - Ella P. Stewart Collection. BGSU University Libraries.

Stewart, Ella 1893–1987.

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How to Avoid Access-to-Care Issues When Initiating New Coverage

By Justin Lindhorst

New Year, New Plan 2 (1).jpg

The beginning of the year, for many, can mean initiating new health insurance coverage. When initiating new coverage, individuals living with a chronic health condition sometimes experience challenges that can delay access to prescribed therapy.

This article outlines how specialty pharmacies like BioMatrix can help patients avoid access-to-care issues, provides tips and best practices patients can implement, and includes links to helpful resources.

Specialty Pharmacy Support

Anyone who has a chronic health condition can identify a time they’ve had to spend a significant amount of time on the phone with their health insurance plan. Unfortunately, patients share it’s not entirely uncommon to be told one thing by one customer service representative, only to be told something entirely different by another.

Specialty pharmacies can help break down barriers to care and cut through red tape by conducting a thorough benefits investigation, facilitating access to financial support programs, and working with your insurance plan and medical team to provide support for prior authorizations and appeals.

Specialty pharmacies such as BioMatrix employ staff who are very well versed in promptly identifying and resolving coverage issues specific to your health condition. The first tool at their disposal is conducting a comprehensive benefits investigation. The benefits investigation provides a detailed outline of coverage specific to your therapy, including whether it is covered under the medical or pharmacy benefit, whether the medication requires prior authorization, your financial responsibility, and what specialty pharmacy service providers are available under the plan.

After the benefits investigation is complete, the specialty pharmacy can refer you to available and appropriate patient assistance programs to reduce financial barriers to care. They can also work together with your medical provider and health plan to obtain timely prior authorization for service and assist when and if an appeal is necessary.

Asking your provider to send a referral to BioMatrix or another reputable specialty pharmacy is a good first step in avoiding coverage issues.

Maintaining Access to Care: Tips and Best Practices

There are also steps you can personally take to avoid access issues. Following the guidelines below can go a long way in resolving potential barriers.

Be Proactive

Don’t wait until you are critically low on medication to place your first order with your new health plan. Placing your order in a timely manner will give your medical provider and specialty pharmacy enough time to resolve any issues before it potentially disrupts your care.

Reach Out to a Social Worker

If you are experiencing or anticipate coverage issues, social workers can be a great source of support. Many medical providers supporting patients with rare or chronic health conditions engage social workers as part of a multidisciplinary care team. Ask your provider if there are social workers available to assist with coverage or other issues.

Keep Detailed Records

When you need to contact your insurance provider regarding any issue or concern, it’s very important to document every call. Keep notes on the following: date and time of the call, the reason for the call, name of the person you spoke with, the result of the call, reference number, and any impact on your health resulting from the issue/call.

Document Medical Necessity

Work with your medical provider to document the medical necessity of your treatment. Having robust documentation on file can speed the resolution of issues related to prior authorization, denials, step therapy, or appeals. Ask your provider to write a letter on official letterhead identifying your diagnosis, the therapy you have been prescribed and why, any previously failed treatments, and the consequences of not having access to your prescribed therapy.

Include medical records, clinical evaluations, or other supplemental documentation supporting your diagnosis/treatment. Keep a copy for your personal records, and request a copy be kept on file with your specialty pharmacy.

Check for Copay Accumulators

If you are using a manufacturer or other third-party copay assistance program, determine if your plan is using a copay accumulator. Verify with your specialty pharmacy whether payments are being received from the copay assistance program you are enrolled in.

Once you’ve verified payments are being made, check your Explanation of Benefits (EOB). If the payments from your assistance program are not being applied to your out-of-pocket costs, your plan may be using an accumulator program.

Understand the Appeal Process

Every plan’s process for an appeal varies. Check with your insurance provider to determine their specific appeal process. Don’t hesitate to involve your medical provider and specialty pharmacy for additional assistance.

Understand the denial of the claim by investigating the explanation of benefits statement (EOB). There is often a code noted on the EOB if there is a denial of coverage or a letter with codes and a key code to decipher what the denial was based upon. Identifying the code will allow you to see if it was a true denial or a basic miscoding by the provider or insurance.

Keep all documentation including referrals, doctor’s notes, medical history, medicines or prescriptions, and notes from all contact with providers or insurance regarding the claim. The burden of proof is in your hands.

Organize Your Paperwork

If you have the aforementioned documents, you might also need to write a letter to the insurance company (written appeal). Keep documentation of your claim number, insurance information, provider/services information readily available. Request a reference number and employee name for every phone call to your insurance plan. 

Be cognizant of the appeal timeline (30/60/90 days in many cases). Be sure to file all paperwork and make calls within the timeline allowed. If your appeal is denied a second time you may be able to file another appeal. Some aspects of the ACA mandate states allow an external review process for denied claims.

Follow up on every call, text, email, and mail document you submit. Be sure it has a record of receipt.

Navigating new coverage can be challenging for patients who require specialty medication. Avoid any potential disruptions in care by leveraging every resource at your disposal. Work with your specialty pharmacy and medical providers early in the month to identify and resolve issues before they become an emergency. 

Follow the guidelines as outlined above any time you reach out to your health plan. Working together at the start of a new plan can make all the difference in maintaining uninterrupted access to the therapy and services keeping you healthy.

Useful Links

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services: Official website for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS):

E-Health Insurance Glossary: eHealth provides a list of common insurance terms on their website:

Employee Benefits Security Administration:

National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC): NAIC is a standard-setting and regulatory support organization. Their website includes a map that will allow you to determine the insurance commissioner in your state:

Patient Advocate Foundation: The Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) is dedicated to improving healthcare access. Their website offers education, assistance, and resources related to healthcare coverage:

United States Department of Labor: Includes information on ERISA and COBRA plans:

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National Hemophilia Foundation. (2021). Comprehensive Medical Care.

Gender Equality in Bleeding Disorders

By Danielle Nance, MD

Bleeding symptoms in women have been documented since ancient times and, in modern literature, recognized since the early 1900s.

Women with a genetic mutation for hemophilia have a 40-60% chance of having bleeding episodes during their lifetime requiring treatment and an 80% chance of having heavy menstrual bleeding. Due to X chromosome inactivation, one normal X chromosome is not always enough to produce a full amount of factor.

Even in the same family, the severity of bleeding symptoms in women varies a lot because of X chromosome inactivation, and we know now that bleeding symptoms don’t correlate with factor levels the same way they do in men. Treating bleeding symptoms in women when their factor levels are 30-50% is not always reimbursed by insurance. This can be confusing to treating physicians who were taught to treat based on “the numbers.” Treatment with intravenous medication is seen as invasive and therefore seen as “too difficult” or too expensive to use unless the bleeding is severe.

In men, even a minor bleed is no longer tolerated. Bleeding symptoms in women are often minimized or even dismissed by medical providers. As we understand more about bleeding symptoms and access to medical treatment becomes more widespread, more and more women are being offered treatment for their bleeding symptoms. 

Why should any bleeding be endured in women? Women have the increased burden of bleeding from their ovaries, uterus and reproductive organs during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum.

This issue is dedicated to women who bleed and celebrates the stories of those who have courageously talked about their personal symptoms and challenges. As women, we can help improve care for all by continuing to report bleeding symptoms and insisting on getting imaging with CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds to document pain and find out if the discomfort and swelling are from bleeding.

As a physician who treats women with bleeding disorders, I ask that each woman keep a calendar and write down symptoms of bleeding, especially the ones that disrupt home, work and leisure activities. Bring the calendar with you to your clinic appointment. If treatment is refused, be brave enough to ask why and ask for more studies so you can learn about your body and how to better care for yourself. Not all pain is from a bleed, and not all pain needs to be treated. Pain provides a signal for investigation. The more we know about symptoms, the better we can work through them towards better health.

May joy be with you in your journey.


Dr. Danielle Nance is a hematologist at Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center in Gilbert, Arizona. As a physician of more than 17 years, Dr. Nance shares, “I seek to bring accessible, expert care to each of my patients. I believe in advocacy for patients with rare diseases, access to care and insurance, and improving the patient experience.”

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Patient Navigation: Understanding Surprise Billing

This article defines “surprise billing”, offers scenarios where a surprise bill may occur, and also provides brief information on the No Surprise Act.

What is “surprise billing”?

Specific to healthcare, a surprise bill refers to a “balanced bill” where a provider bills you, the patient, for the difference between their charge and the amount paid by your health plan. A surprise bill is usually the result of an out-of-network charge. When a cost is in-network, the provider and the insurance plan have a previously agreed-upon arrangement for what the provider will charge and what the insurance will pay. With an out-of-network cost, no such agreement exists: the provider will charge what they feel is appropriate, and the insurer will pay what they feel the service is worth. When these two figures do not align (usually with the provider asking for more than the insurer is willing to pay), the patient is billed by the provider for the balance difference. It will then become an unexpected or “surprise” bill to you, the patient.

In what scenarios might you receive a surprise bill?

There are numerous situations that might lead to a surprise bill, but a majority of these are related to emergency (ER) services. In the ER, providers often have to act quickly, and they may be using contracted help—such as an X-ray that is read by an outsider, third-party source. In another scenario, you might have a blood draw where the phlebotomist is in-network, but the lab result is farmed out to a service that happens to be out-of-network. Another common scenario may involve a procedure where a specialized provider involved in the procedure (like an anesthesiologist) may be out-of-network, even if the procedure facility and the primary physician/surgeon is in-network.

What can I do if I get a surprise bill?

Recently passed legislation protects patients from surprise billing. The No Surprise Act offers consumers billing protections when getting emergency or non-emergency care from out-of-network providers at in-network facilities. It also provides out-of-network protection from air ambulance services.

The No Surprises Act, however, does not protect you if your provider (ER, hospital clinic, or other facility) is out-of-network.

What can BioMatrix do to help with a surprise bill? 

If you think you are a victim of a surprise bill, we can determine if the bill in question falls under the patient protections of the No Surprise Act. We can also help guide you to a resolution.

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Patient Navigation: Understanding Step Therapy Mandates

This article defines “step therapy,” provides helpful information on the patient impact of step therapy programs, and includes resources to learn more about step therapy.

What is step therapy?

Step therapy is a utilization management technique for drugs that prevents the patient from accessing prescribed treatment and instead mandates a therapy as dictated by the insurance plan. In laymen terms, it means trying “less expensive” drug options before “stepping up” to a more costly drug therapy. Step therapy plans could dictate that a patient begin treatment with a cost-effective drug before progressing to a more costly drug therapy if the initial treatment is proven ineffective. Some providers refer to this as a “fail first” plan.

How does step therapy impact me?

Step therapy is more prevalent in commercial plans and may or may not impact you depending on your particular health plan. If your health plan implements a step therapy mandate, you may have to utilize other medication before receiving approval for a more expensive therapy. You will have to document the ineffectiveness of the preferred, less expensive therapy before being permitted to switch. In some limited cases a doctor’s intervention may allow an override of the step therapy program.

For many chronic and rare conditions, a less-expensive (often “generic”) medication may not exist. In this scenario, a health plan may prioritize the most cost-effective medication as the starting step for medication. The health plan may dictate medication choices based on cost savings and may even deem some of the products as interchangeable. Significant documentation is encouraged in order to appeal to use another medication. This can become problematic especially if you change to a new health plan which has instituted a step therapy program; despite perhaps a long history of using a particular medication, the plan could dictate a medicine change.

For government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, step therapy programs are less prevalent, but caution must be taken when selecting plans. Because Medicare Advantage (MA) plans are managed by commercial payors, they may be more at risk of implementing step therapy programs, but the MA plans must adhere to Part B guidelines for factor medications and must ensure they do not disrupt ongoing Part B drug therapies for beneficiaries. Under new policy guidelines, step therapy can only be applied to new prescriptions or administration of Part B drugs for beneficiaries who are not actively receiving the affected medication. This means that no beneficiary currently receiving drugs under part B will have to change their medication.

What can BioMatrix do to help with a problem with step therapy?

If you’re facing step therapy, our access team at BioMatrix can help you navigate the process. We can help you identify, collect, and submit the documentation required by your health plan and can help file for an exception in order to maintain or return to your original therapy.

Where can I learn more about step therapy?

The Alliance for Patient Access has created a succinct overview for understanding step therapy. Scan the QR code or visit the link to watch.

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Home Infusion for Transplant Patients

BioMatrix Specialty Pharmacy provides home infusion services allowing patients to receive therapy from the comfort and safety of home. This article provides a brief overview of how our clinical team works to support home infusion for transplant patients.

Home infusion provides a safe and effective means to help transplant patients manage their prescribed therapy. Hospitals and infusion centers can take every precaution available, yet in these environments patients still have the potential for exposure to bacteria or viruses they would likely not encounter in their homes. Transplant patients benefit from home infusion both before and after transplant. Before the transplant, many patients are at greater risk for infection given their diagnosis and the procedures they have endured. Post-transplant, patients are at risk of infection because of immune-suppressing anti-rejection drugs and/or because they develop comorbidities compromising their immune systems. 

BioMatrix’s focus on safety begins well before the patient is infused with their first dose of medication in the home. 

Even before the pandemic, our transplant professionals followed rigorous safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of the patients we serve. Our clinical team includes nurses and pharmacists who are experts in transplant therapy. Many have years of transplant experience, and team members stay up to date on all current literature surrounding the use of specialty medications provided for transplant-related diagnoses. Our team follows transplant-specific protocols to promote the health and safety of our patients and home infusion nurses. Each clinician has the responsibility of not only knowing each transplant-specific or medication-specific protocol, but also ensuring that the protocol is strictly followed for optimal results.  

Our nursing and pharmacy teams work hand in hand at every step of the patient journey. This includes our efforts around home infusion services. To support our patients across the country, BioMatrix has contracted with over 200 Nursing agencies nationwide. We continually bring new agencies into the fold. Each agency is thoroughly vetted to ensure that they meet our rigorous standards and are knowledgeable regarding the Infusion Nurses Society guidelines for infusion therapy in the home.   

Just as the nursing agencies we contract with are thoroughly vetted, so too are the individual home infusion nurses. Every home infusion nurse assigned to enter a patient’s home is required to meet (over the phone or virtually) with our nurse clinicians prior to providing service. Our nurses evaluate the infusion RN’s level of competency to provide the care ordered. If further education or training is needed this is arranged and completed before the start of care. Prescribed therapy is reviewed in detail to make sure the appropriate protocols are followed and the services provided are safe and seamless. If at any time our nurse clinicians determine that a particular home infusion nurse does not meet the standard of competency that we at BioMatrix strive for, we re-group and re-staff the case with an alternate home infusion nurse.  

When entering a patient’s home, the home infusion nurses we work with follow all standard precautions and wear appropriate personal protective equipment. They also take the time to identify and review safety measures the patient can follow in the home both during and after infusion. Working together our team helps patients mitigate any issues to establish a safe environment for home infusion.  

BioMatrix is committed to providing the highest level of specialty pharmacy service and support.

Our team has years of transplant experience and follows highly coordinated, transplant-specific protocols promoting the health, safety, and well-being of every patient served.

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Patient Navigation: Patient Assistance Programs (PAPs)

This article defines patient assistance programs (PAPs) and provides helpful information for who may be eligible.

What are patient assistance programs (PAPs)?

Patient assistance programs (PAPs) help people without health insurance and those who are underinsured. These programs are often managed by pharmaceutical companies, nonprofits, and government agencies. PAPs may cover free or low-cost medicines if you don’t have insurance, have lost your insurance, or are underinsured and can’t afford your medicine.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers often sponsor PAPs that provide financial assistance or free product for eligible individuals. PAPs may also provide assistance to Part D enrollees and interface with Part D plans by operating “outside the Part D benefit” to ensure separateness of Part D benefits and PAP assistance.

Who should enroll in PAPs?

Anyone who is without insurance, is underinsured, and is unable to pay for their medication should consider a PAP. PAPs were created to ensure continued access to life-saving medicines. 

Are PAPs the same as copay assistance programs like copay cards?

No. PAPs are intended only for the uninsured or the underinsured. PAP programs provide drugs free or at a discount to patients. Copay assistance programs are for commercially-insured individuals and work in tandem with the patient and the insurance plan to help cover a medication’s out-of-pocket cost.

What can BioMatrix do to help connect patients to these resources?

BioMatrix can provide information on available PAPs related to your medication and can connect you to those resources.

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Patient Navigation: Understanding Medicare Eligibility

This article defines Medicare eligibility and provides helpful information for navigating Medicare eligibility.

Am I eligible for Medicare?

You are eligible if you are 65 or older, under 65 with a disability, or have end-stage renal disease.

When and where can I sign up for Medicare?  

Most people sign up for Part A and B at age 65. You may begin the enrollment process 3 months before your 65th birthday. If you are starting your Social Security benefits and are approved, Part A coverage will be granted automatically, but you will have to enroll in Part B by filling out Form CMS-40B.

You can enroll in Medicare by visiting Social Security and signing up online at You can also enroll by calling Social Security at 1-800-772-1213. 

For persons under 65, everyone eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is also eligible for Medicare 24 months after being awarded disability benefit entitlement. 

Thereafter, the general enrollment period and when changes may be made to plans is Jan. 1 – March 31 every year.

What if I am still working at 65?    

If you or your spouse are still working at a job with more than 20 employees and have insurance, you can wait until you or your spouse stops working (or lose health insurance if that happens first), and you won’t pay a late enrollment penalty for Part B. Your job-based insurance pays first, and Medicare pays second. If you or your spouse’s employer employs fewer than 20 persons, you need to verify with the employer if you need to sign up for Part A and B because your job-based insurance may not cover the costs for services. If you or your spouse are still working and have non-job-based insurance (Medicaid or ACA Marketplace), the rules vary on coverage with Medicare, and you will need to answer a few questions to determine your coverage. 

What if I return to work but am an under-65 disabled Medicare recipient?  

Social Security’s Ticket to Work program allows beneficiaries an opportunity to resume their working careers. If you earn under $1350 during the Trial to Work period, your benefits will remain intact for those 9 months. If you return to work and begin earning more than $1350, you will lose your SSDI benefits, but you will retain premium-free Medicare Part A and B coverage for up to 93 months. After 93 months, beneficiaries will then have the opportunity to purchase Part A and B coverage if they continue to have a disability. 

What can BioMatrix do to help with my Medicare eligibility?  

BioMatrix can check your Medicare benefits and let you know about your eligibility and anticipated coverage. From there we can provide additional information based upon your needs

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Patient Navigation: Understanding Medicare Coverage

This article outlines Medicare coverage including Original Medicare Parts A and B; prescription drug coverage Part D; Medigap/Supplemental Insurance coverage; and Medicare Advantage.

What is Medicare Part A and B, and how much will I pay?

Part A is considered hospital insurance and covers in-patient care. There is no premium if you have 10 years of qualified work. For hospitalizations, a per episode deductible is in place for $1600 in 2023. Once met, days 1-60 are covered at 100%; then Medicare sets the coverage amount at days 61 and beyond.

Part B is considered medical insurance and covers physician services, outpatient care, home health care, and most infusion drugs, including factor. The average premium is $165 for 2023 and the deductible is $226. At that point, Part B pays 80%. Factor therapies fall under Part B coverage.

What is Medicare Part D and how much will I pay?

Part D is the prescription drug plan. Plan costs are based on income and range from $0-$77.90 with the average plan costing $43/mo. Your out-of-pocket costs depend upon your prescription as Medicare uses a tier system to determine patient cost. The yearly deductible before Medicare begins paying anything is $505 for 2023. When catastrophic coverage begins (at $7400 in shared costs), you will pay 5% of drug cost for the rest of the year.

What is Medigap and how much will I pay?

Medigap is supplemental coverage for costs not paid for by Medicare Part A or B. This includes the 20% of Part B but does not include the 5% for Part D plans. It also covers foreign travel, which Medicare does not cover. These plans are state based and managed by private insurers. Available plans are A-N and fluctuate in cost from $50-$500/mo. depending on coverage options.

What is Medicare Advantage, or Part C Medicare, and how much will I pay?

Medicare Advantage plans are managed by private companies and offer inclusive Part A and B coverage. Many add prescription drug coverage (Part D), and some include perks like gym and health behaviors discounts. These will be familiar and are run very similar to private insurance plans. Premiums, copays, and deductibles vary from plan to plan. The average premium in 2022 was $18/mo. The average out-of-pocket cost for Medicare Advantage subscribers was $4,972.

Should I choose original Medicare or Medicare Advantage?

This depends. Medicare Advantage can have lower out-of-pocket costs, but their networks are limited and may not include all the providers you need. It’s also more difficult to change to other plans once an Advantage plan is selected; certain penalties may apply, and you will lose guaranteed issue for Medigap plans should you wish to return to Original Medicare. You have to assess your healthcare needs, the access to providers in the Advantage network, and the savings you may (or may not) have with an Advantage plan.

What can BioMatrix do to help with Medicare?

BioMatrix can check your Medicare benefits and let you know what your anticipated costs will be based on your plan choices. From there we can provide additional information based upon your needs.

Where can I learn more about my Medicare benefits?

You can call Social Security at 800-772-1213 or access the handbook here.

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Patient Navigation: Understanding Medicare Coverage Gaps

This article explains the coverage gaps in Medicare Part B and Part D plans, including the “donut hole.”

What are the primary coverage gaps within Medicare?

Each Medicare plan comes with a deductible which must be met before Medicare begins paying. Part B has a coverage gap of 20% where Medicare only pays 80% for provider services (including factor therapies) once the deductible is met. Part D has a gradient of limited coverage once the deductible is met and until the subscriber enters catastrophic coverage.

What is the Part B coverage gap?

In Part B plans, Medicare covers 80% of costs for providers, including procedures and Part B infusion therapies like factor. To cover these costs, you may be eligible for a Medigap/Supplemental Insurance policy. Depending on your income level and resources, you may also be eligible for assistance through the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program or the Specified Low Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB) program.

What is the Part D coverage gap?

Often called the “donut hole,” this is a euphemism to describe a coverage gap where, after Medicare has paid a portion of shared costs, Medicare temporarily limits its coverage. During that stage of coverage, you may pay more for drugs than you had previously. When the coverage gap (donut hole) ends, Medicare will require a flat 5% shared cost on prescription drugs.

In Part D, you will first pay the deductible, $480. At that point, Medicare will begin sharing the cost based on their drug tier cost-sharing formula. Medicare will share the cost until $4660 has been reached, and the donut hole begins. From there, you will pay 25% of the drug cost until the shared cost reaches $7400. At that point, you are in “catastrophic coverage”, and Medicare will pay 95% of drug costs; you will be responsible for 5% for the rest of the year.

What can BioMatrix do to help with the coverage gaps in Part B and Part D?

BioMatrix can check your Medicare benefits and let you know what your anticipated costs will be based on your plan choices. From there we can provide additional information based upon your needs. By looking at your income and resources, we can identify support plans you may be eligible for.

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Patient Navigation: Medicare Coverage Resources

This article outlines the four Medicare savings programs and provides helpful information for determining eligibility.

What programs exist to help cover my Medicare costs?

Medicare offers 4 general programs to help patients cover their out-of-pocket costs, which include premiums and cost-sharing for provider services and medications. Program eligibility is based on income and resources (checking and savings accounts, stocks, and bonds).

  • Qualified Individual Program (QI): Beneficiaries earning less than $1549/mo. and resources under $8400 may be eligible for the Qualifying Individual program (QI). This helps pay for Part B premiums only. States approve this on a first come, first serve basis. Ineligible if you qualify for Medicaid. Can pay for up to 3 months retroactively.

  • Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program (QMB): Beneficiaries are eligible for QMB with incomes less than $1153/mo. and resources under $8400. This program covers premiums for Part A and Part B, deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments for services Medicare covers. It does not offer retroactive payment.

  • Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB): Beneficiaries are eligible for SLMB with incomes less than $1379/mo. and resources under $12,600. This covers Part B premiums. Can pay for up to 3 months retroactively.

  • Qualified Disabled Working Individual Program (QDWI): Disabled beneficiaries are eligible for QDWI with individual incomes less than $4615/mo. and resources under $4000. This pays for Part A premiums only.

What other resources exists to help cover my Medicare costs?

Several non-profits offer resources.

  • Accessia Health (800-366-7741) helps cover Medicare premiums.

  • The PAN Foundation (866-316-7263) helps cover premiums and out-of-pocket costs

  • The Assistance Fund (855-845-3663) helps with copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.

How can I cover my out-of-pocket costs if I am ineligible for any of the Medicare Savings programs?

The primary step would be to see if you are eligible for a Medigap/Supplemental Insurance policy. This covers Part A and B costs not supported by Medicare.

What can BioMatrix do to help with Medicare coverage resources?

BioMatrix can check your Medicare benefits and let you know what your anticipated costs will be based on your plan choices. By looking at your income and resources, we can identify support plans you may be eligible for. We can also investigate your state rules regarding Medigap coverage plans and determine your eligibility.

Where can I learn more about the Medicare savings programs?

You can learn more about Medicare savings programs here at this link.

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Patient Navigation: Understanding 504 Plans

This article defines 504 accommodation plans and indicates who should consider them.

What is a 504 accommodation plan?

A 504 accommodation plan is part of a federal law that allows children with special needs such as chronic health conditions to better access learning experiences at school. It is different than an IEP plan. A 504 plan provides additional assistance in the classroom as well as modifications and services that ensure a child’s access to education is equal to the other students. The law was designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education. Section 504 provides: “No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States . . . shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

The Section 504 regulations require a school district to provide a “free appropriate public education” (FAPE) to each qualified student with a disability who is in the school district’s jurisdiction, regardless of the nature or severity of the disability. Under Section 504, FAPE consists of the provision of regular or special education and related aids and services designed to meet the student’s individual educational needs as adequately as the needs of non-disabled students are met.

Who should consider a 504 accommodation plan?

Anyone with a chronic condition who receives education from any federally-funded program should consider setting up a 504 accommodation plan. This provides a safety net for the student and ensures minimal disruptions in a student’s education regardless of their condition, which may result in time missed or other school-related disruptions.

What can BioMatrix do to help with 504 accommodation plans?

BioMatrix can provide help with understanding the 504 accommodation plan and work with you and your school to put a 504 plan in place.

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I’m Not Giving Up Yet!

By Edward Burke

My maternal grandfather had severe hemophilia A. He was injured while working on a construction site. The doctors thought he was having an appendicitis attack, but he was actually bleeding into his abdominal cavity and consequently passed away at age 35. This was when my family became aware of the hemophilia in our lineage.

Since my mom knew she was a carrier of hemophilia, she explained to my dad that if they had sons, there was a 50/50 chance of them having severe hemophilia. Sure enough, all three of us had it! When we were young, we would often wake up at night with an elbow hurting or blood everywhere from a tooth coming in. My parents had their hands full.

I was the first to self-infuse in my family after I learned at hemophilia camp. I was always giving my brothers their doses as well!

My brother Michael was four years younger than me. He went out for high school wrestling. At a match, he made a 13 second pin in the heavyweight division, making the sports page of our local paper. Our pediatrician, who never treated us for hemophilia, saw the news article and called the school. He alerted them that my brother should not be allowed to wrestle due to his hemophilia. Instead of being applauded and congratulated, Michael was thrown off the team. 

For two years in my early 20s, I was secretly part of a men’s ice hockey league. Mom didn’t know it, but my dad did, and would come watch me play. He would remind me,  “Don’t tell your mother!” While my mom watched TV, I would drag my bag of hockey pads and sticks upstairs. One night when I came home, she decided to investigate what all the noise was about. When she saw me with my gear, she said, “What’s this?” I told her I had good news and bad news. She asked, “What’s the bad news?” I told her I played ice hockey. She said, “Oh really? What’s the good news?” I told her, “I’m team captain, and we’re on a championship run!” She looked at my father to ask if he knew about this, but he was out of the room and up the stairs! He knew when she saw the hockey equipment he had better run! During a game, my knee twisted up, and it just wouldn’t stop bleeding. That was the last time I played. The injury resulted in my first knee replacement.

My older brother James passed away at 24 years old in June of 1980 following an accident. My father was destroyed – he died of a broken heart just two years later.

Michael and I were diagnosed with HIV at our Philadelphia treatment center in 1985. My mother was already crying when we walked into the room. We were given the news that we tested positive for HIV and that we had about seven years to live. I asked, “So you’re saying by 1992, my life will be over?” The doctor explained those were the statistics. In a way he was right… in October 1992, I got married! Joking aside, thirty years with my wife and she has seen a lot of this too, having attended many blood brother funerals. Sadly, my youngest brother, Michael, passed away at the age of just 35 in 1997 – his death tagged as hemophilia-related AIDS.

My mom is currently 88! She is still very much a hemophilia mom. Everything her sons went through continues to weigh heavy on her heart.

Sixty years of life with hemophilia and I have a pretty good pain threshold, but the bleeds hit hard. One time I was driving my friend to the airport and almost took my car out of the lane because of a breakthrough bleed in my elbow. The bleed was so bad I couldn’t move my hand to steer the wheel. Taking a weekend trip to attend a meeting or event and I feel the effects of aging. I was in Nashville, returned home and waited three days for my knees and ankles to get back to normal just from being on foot and walking around the city.

As we age, we learn things like pain may feel like a bleed, but it’s not a bleed—it might be arthritis or just a muscle ache. It feels like I wake up with something every day. I can still bleed into my artificial joints! The pain is sometimes intolerable.

Living long enough to have arthritis is not something I had banked on. I’ve had all these target joints and some just don’t work as they should—like my right pointer finger that doesn’t bend like it’s supposed to.

But the most difficult part of growing older is when we lose a friend. I try to stay close with the friends who are still here. Everyone young enough not to have been exposed to tainted clotting factors should watch the movie And the Band Played On. It will serve as a reminder that the “hemophilia holocaust” shouldn’t have happened to our community. Even with advances in medical treatment, HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C continue to claim the lives of people in our community who were exposed to tainted blood products in the 1980s.

One misconception is that people with hemophilia have “thin” blood so they can’t have heart problems – WRONG! My second AFib (Atrial Fibrillation) put me in the emergency room. My daughter was outside the ER yelling at the medical staff to let her in with my clotting factor because although she didn’t know what was wrong with me, she knew I needed to get factor. The cardiologist put me in the ICU and told the nurse to start blood thinners immediately. All I could say was, “HOLD ON, I AM A BLOOD THINNER! I DON’T CLOT!” My cardiologist told me, “Hemophilia really puts a kink in the armor and changes how we can help you.”

In addition to AFib, I have psoriatic arthritis. It’s difficult for a cardiologist or rheumatologist to treat with their go-to medications. For example, the medication I take for the psoriatic arthritis treats the symptoms, but it also lowers the immune system. That complicates things when combined with my HIV medications. As we grow older, other medications may be problematic when combined with medications we take for hemophilia and HIV.

Many times, I have been wakened in the middle of the night. It’s my daughter calling. Every three or four weeks, she wakes up from a bad dream and has to check on me.  I tell her I have no plans to go anywhere anytime soon and that I feel fine. It’s heartbreaking to know your daughter is so concerned about your health that it keeps her up at night.

In my retirement, to stay busy and make a little extra money, I signed up with a talent agency and have been doing movie parts and voice overs, and I play guitar and have done performances. I enjoy trying to entertain others. My dream for retirement was to keep playing and entertaining, but it has become more difficult as my left hand’s ability decreases as the arthritis increases. I often ask myself, “Is it a bleed or is it arthritis?”

These are the things we deal with as we age, but we must keep living life to the fullest! I am still active in the bleeding disorders community and will participate in a hemophilia walk in the fall. I enjoy spending time with my wife and watching my much-too-beautiful 21-year-old daughter grow into a mature young woman.

My advice to the younger set is to always stay positive! Be active, and stay engaged in the bleeding disorder community. Make friends. Reach out to your community brothers and sisters when you’re having a problem—they will always be there for you! My close blood brothers and I have been saving each other’s lives and sanity for years!

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Aging Gracefully

By Bob Murdock

One of the most ironic comments a doctor has ever made to me was about five years ago. She said, “Good news – bad news. The good news is hemophilia has become a very manageable and treatable disease. Most likely, you are not going to die from a bleeding episode and will live a normal life span. Bad news, now that you’re going to live a longer life, you will most likely die from a heart attack, cancer, stroke, etc.—medical issues that affect most adults.” My response was, “So basically nothing has really changed.”

I feel blessed to be a part of my generation of hemophiliacs because we have witnessed an incredible amount of progress in the treatment of our bleeding disorder. Advances we were never sure we’d see are here. As a result of living longer, I have developed moderate/high blood pressure and had an AFib event for which I now take daily medications. 

I also never thought I’d see the day I would have to modify my diet because a cardiologist told me to eat healthier, exercise, and stay active. The diet part stinks because I had to cut back eating the things I truly enjoy. I’ve had to learn the term everything in moderation. I used to eat whatever I felt like and went happily on my way. 

All that said, I feel very fortunate to have lived long enough to have these issues to deal with. I am able to live a relatively pain-free life and can do most of the things people my age can do. All is good in my world!

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Growing Older Is a Complex Subject

By Joe Markowitz

Let’s start with the growing old part. I was born in 1950, and some of my first memories of doctors were from being treated in emergency rooms. However, my first memory of a meaningful conversation with a doctor was when I was visiting a hematologist in Yonkers, New York, with my parents. He told me about a hemophilia patient who died from licking an envelope. I have not licked one in about 60 years. The other bit of news he shared was that I’d probably die in my 20s.

So, doctor, I guess you were wrong. I’m still here at 71.

There are two aspects of growing old with hemophilia that I feel are worth discussing. Hemophiliacs of my generation generally have arthritis and experience pain and mobility issues. However, with the highly effective products now available, the stress caused by hemophilia is no longer related to bleeding. The stress is from the decades-long degeneration of joints that bled back 50 years ago, mostly before college. 

Surgery, unimaginable several decades ago, is now fairly routine as long as the expertise of your hemophilia treatment center is behind you. I’ve been lucky enough to have bilateral knee and one hip replaced, so I am no longer experiencing joint pain. The surgeries were accomplished with no bleeding, but lots of factor, including during the post-surgery physical therapy period.

Then there’s the second aspect of growing old, the aspect unaffected by hemophilia. As we age, our bodies seem to find new ways to torment us. As a kid, I thought having hemophilia meant I wouldn’t have any other bad medical things happen to me. What I didn’t understand is that at about the same time you get on Medicare, your body wants to take advantage of the great insurance and dumps new ailments on you.

Look around at men in their 70s, and you can be sure each one has at least one of these conditions: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, enlarged prostate, vision and hearing problems, arthritis or diabetes. These conditions are not unique to hemophiliacs but the result of living a long life.

Having hemophilia, with or without a co-morbidity, complicates the medical intervention for some of these conditions. For instance, if a person with hemophilia has AFib, aspirin and blood thinners are not the go-to treatment. Many arthritis medications have caused stomach bleeds that can be made more complicated with a bleeding disorder.

So maybe growing old with hemophilia requires more caution and planning than most people need. But we ARE growing older and leading full and happy lives. And that is certainly a great, previously unexpected outcome!

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