BioMatrix Proudly Announces the 2022 Memorial Scholarship Recipients!

Each year, BioMatrix provides six $1,000 scholarships for bleeding disorders community members seeking higher education. Since 2013, our scholarships have honored the memory of several individuals who impacted the bleeding disorders community in unique ways. BioMatrix partners with the Hemophilia Federation of America for administrative support and independent, third-party evaluation of applicants.

It is with great pleasure we announce the 2022 recipients of our Memorial Scholarship Program. Thank you to everyone who applied—we wish you great success in your bright future! Without further ado, we introduce you to our scholarship recipients!


Freshman at University of Miami; Engineering
BioMatrix Ron Niederman Memorial Scholarship

In high school, Michael discovered his love for hockey. Despite his diagnosis of severe hemophilia, he wanted to play, so with his medical care team, made adjustments to effectively manage his bleeding disorder and joined his school’s team. This experience led Michael to create a website,, where he interviews inspiring people with a bleeding disorder, spreads awareness, and offers support and encouragement to others living with a bleeding disorder. Michael has hope as he shares, “My schooling could prompt me to develop critical therapeutics for those with bleeding disorders like gene therapy or subcutaneous injection technology.”

Congratulations, Michael!


Senior at University of Nebraska; Finance/Political Science
BioMatrix Mike Hylton Memorial Scholarship 

As someone with severe hemophilia, Brian has much experience under his belt as he pursues a career in rare disease advocacy. In high school, he spoke at his state capitol and participated in NHF’s Washington Days. Currently Brian serves on the Hemophilia Foundation of Minnesota/Dakotas Board of Directors and is a policy and government relations intern for Hemophilia Federation of America in their D.C. office. “Advocating for such a personal cause and making the voice of the bleeding disorders community heard by policymakers has been crucial in shaping my career goals.”

Congratulations, Brian!


Graduate Student at Florida State University; Master’s in Public Administration
BioMatrix Mark Coats Memorial Scholarship

When Justin was diagnosed with hemophilia, the doctors painted a picture of a very restrictive life, which his family refused to accept. Though he couldn’t always participate in school sports, he volunteered to help his team. As an advocate, Justin has served on a youth council at his Hemophilia Treatment Center, has mentored young children with a bleeding disorder, and seeks out opportunities to raise awareness of hemophilia in his job. “Individuals should not be defined by a medical condition but by what they do with it.”

Congratulations, Justin!


Senior at Cal Poly Humboldt; Film
BioMatrix Millie Gonzalez Memorial Scholarship

For an educational video series, Lidia was asked to speak about her diagnosis and experience living with von Willebrand Disease and how it affects family and friend relationships. The experience made a lasting impact, helping her realize the importance of sharing her story and how film can help others. As such, she was inspired to pursue film as a career with the hope that sharing her stories about her bleeding disorder will offer support to the community. “I learned that a well-produced film could cause a chain reaction raising awareness and helping others feel motivated, connected, and not alone.”

Congratulations, Lidia!


Freshman at Belmont University; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BioMatrix Tim Kennedy Memorial Scholarship

As a 4-year-old, Nicholas began playing soccer before he was diagnosed with hemophilia. Due to his love for the game, he wanted to keep playing despite the diagnosis. Nicholas learned to self-infuse at a young age and was able to continue playing soccer through high school by successfully managing his medical treatments. “I play soccer because I love it, and this love has brought me through highs and lows. At the end of the day, I will be remembered not for hemophilia but as an athlete who followed his passion and overcame his obstacles.”

Congratulations, Nicholas!


Sophomore at James Madison University; Engineering
BioMatrix Joe Holibaugh Memorial Scholarship

Given his severe hemophilia and risk of painful bleeding episodes, Josiah grew up with a sense of caution. Understanding that sports would not be ideal for him, he joined a local robotics team where he soon became a leader, teaching and managing other students in designing their 120-pound competition robots. Through this experience involving technical skills and teamwork Josiah was inspired to pursue engineering. “Hemophilia has gone from a stumbling block to a steppingstone for my future adventure  —  in education, career, and life.” Congratulations, Josiah!

The 2023 school-year application will open in March 2023 and be accepted through August 1, 2023. Beginning March 2023, apply online:

Joe Holibaugh (1971-2006)
$1000 Scholarship
For MEN and WOMEN with hemophilia AND an Inhibitor

Tim Kennedy (1962-2011)
$1000 Scholarship
For MEN with hemophilia

Millie Gonzalez (1953-2001)
$1000 Scholarship
For WOMEN with hemophilia or von Willebrand Disease

Ron Niederman (1950-1999)
$1000 Scholarship
For MEN with hemophilia or VWD and their immediate family members

Mike Hylton (1945-1998)
$1000 Scholarship
For MEN with hemophilia or VWD and their immediate family members

Mark Coats (1956-1963)
$1000 Scholarship
For MEN and WOMEN with hemophilia

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