Meet the Team: Cyndy Coors

BioMatrix is dedicated to making a difference in the bleeding disorders community. Our team of Regional Care Coordinators and Patient Care Specialists provide support that draws on personal experience and a genuine commitment to the bleeding disorders community. Our Meet the Team segment invites you to get to know our incredible staff a little better. In this edition we feature Cyndy Coors.

Cyndy Coors has been an active member of the bleeding disorders community for 36 years. She is a unique blend of seasoned professional, talented care coordinator, and gal next door. She’s everyone’s pal and can make you feel like her best friend even when you have just met her. Having raised a son and daughter with hemophilia while lending support to her grandchildren, Cyndy shares experiences with her patients and anyone who can use a hand. She is a valued member of the BioMatrix family, and we are proud to introduce you to her!

How long have you worked for BioMatrix?

I am proud to be one of the legacy members of the organization. I joined the team in 2003, not long after the company was established. The founding principles resonated with me. Starting with just one patient, their vision was to provide the best possible care and make a difference in the lives of all people with bleeding disorders.

Where did your career path begin, and what brought you to BioMatrix?

My early career was in the medical field. After completing college, I worked for two general surgeons. Later, I transitioned into the specialty pharmacy field. I was caring for my son who has severe hemophilia A and could now help care for others just like him. Coming to BioMatrix offered a place where I could use my experiences and pay it forward to other families while sharing this journey with them.

Tell us a bit about your life and your connection to the bleeding disorders community.

Born in Mobile, Alabama (Go Crimson Tide!), raised in Chattanooga, I now call Soddy Daisy, Tennessee home (Go Trojans!). I am a proud mom of two adult children, Derek and Courtney, and have eight wonderful grandchildren. Both of my children and 5 of my grandchildren are affected with hemophilia A.

When my son was born, he suffered a traumatic head bleed and thus began our crash course into the world of bleeding disorders. It was so shocking and frightening as we did not have a family history of hemophilia, but as it turned out, I was a carrier. My mom was a carrier too. Despite ‘signs’ when she was young, it was never investigated. Neither of my siblings are affected.

Derek was an active kid. We became experts at infusions, insurance claims, and managing our day-to-day. We were in a good place; then I found myself going full “momma bear” mode when my daughter began having bleeding issues. I heard a lot of, “Oh, she’s just a carrier, she’ll be okay.” Through experience, I learned not to take “no” for an answer when your gut knows better.

An interesting fact about my life is that I live in a multi-generational home. That’s right! Three generations under the same roof. I joined with my son and his family to purchase a home where we could all live together under one roof. It seems to be a growing trend; there are many benefits to it! Sharing space makes it easier to share your life, help each other, and be present for so many of life’s precious moments.

How do you feel you are Making a Difference?

There is no greater teacher than life experiences. Clinical experts can tell you all you need to know from their medical perspective, but there is so much more to living well with a chronic condition. I have been there, survived that! It’s been my mission to share my knowledge and support patients so their hemophilia care is a smooth task rolled into their regular week filled with work, school, visits to the zoo, and cheer practice. When you can get to the point where having a bleeding disorder is just part of the routine, that’s when you can live your best life. And that’s what I help families do. It’s what I love!

Describe your most difficult challenge and how you overcame it.

Although hemophilia today is a rather manageable disorder, it still can present significant challenges. Some of those early days were chock-full of bleeds, injuries, and hospital stays. I wanted to hover over my son and protect him at all costs; however, I didn’t want to be a helicopter mom. So how do I protect and defend him while giving him the space and license to just be a kid? A very compassionate HTC nurse offered some of the best guidance when I needed it most. Her words were, “to overcome the worry” and let my kid live. I listened, and it is the most meaningful advice I continue to share with new families. Kids learn by exploring their world. Make their space kid-friendly, and then let them be. Don’t worry about tomorrow, LIVE for today. If you can redirect your focus from a wide lens, bring in the view, and just concentrate on today, you will be more present. You will lighten the load of worrying while taking the day’s highs and lows more easily. It really works!

Also, we all have that little bit of intuition—that gut feeling that can guide us. Don’t ignore it! If you know something doesn’t seem right, question it! You know yourself and your loved ones the best. Let that wisdom and that little voice inside of you lead you. Be your own best advocate!

What do you feel is your greatest skill?

I sincerely feel I was put on this earth to be helpful and good to people. Over the years, patients have encountered challenges that I have tried to help them remedy. It doesn’t matter whether it’s related to hemophilia or not. As a Regional Care Coordinator, I have always cared for my patients with an “all in” approach. There is more to caring for someone than just shipping them medication. Family sticks with you through the hard and the happy. Like family, I am here for it all!

As a Regional Care Coordinator, what is the most cherished part of your job?

I have made friends all over the country who I am so grateful for, and they have entered my life because of living and working in the bleeding disorders community. From clinicians and patients to community members and past and present colleagues, these many friendships have greatly enriched my life. I have learned from many, laughed with most, and have never taken for granted the blessings that have come into my life thanks to these amazing people and the common factor we share. I cherish every single friendship, and my life is better because of each one!

Outside of work and family, what is your passion?

My passion is baking. My family loves my baking! Time in the kitchen gives me joy and allows me to quiet my mind. Yes, I know my way around an orange-cranberry bundt cake, and I’m not afraid to share it!

What is your proudest achievement?

I’ve had so many joyful moments and grateful reflections because my heart is open and finds the good in even the most ordinary things. I will say, however, there is one memory that still makes me smile and feel warm. I was being introduced to someone by the mom of one of my patients; she introduced me as a member of her family. Not just their pharmacy care coordinator, but as their family member! I always treat each patient and their family as part of my own. To be introduced as part of theirs, well, there is no greater honor!

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