Meet the Team: Kelly Lynn Gonzalez

BioMatrix is dedicated to making a difference in the bleeding disorders community. Our team of Regional Care Coordinators and Patient Care Specialists provide support that draws on personal experience and a genuine commitment to the bleeding disorders community. Our Meet-the-Team segment invites you to get to know our incredible staff a little better.

In this edition we feature Kelly Lynn Gonzalez.

Kelly Gonzalez is a patient, the parent of patients, and the spouse in the rare disease community. Having personal experience in bleeding disorders, autoimmune diseases, PIDD, epilepsy, and cancer, Kelly presents education drawn from a lifetime of personal and professional experiences.

Kelly has traveled nationwide presenting for various non-profit organizations within the bleeding disorders community.

Her educational presentation style shares her journey and educates and empowers the audience. She channels her past experience as a teacher and infuses her passion for persons with chronic illness into heartfelt and dynamic programs. Kelly holds an MBA and MA in Education.

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