Meet the Team: LeAnn Wilson

BioMatrix is dedicated to making a difference in the bleeding disorders community. Our team of Regional Care Coordinators and Patient Care Specialists provide support that draws on personal experience and a genuine commitment to the bleeding disorders community. Our “Meet the Team” segment invites you to get to know our incredible staff a little bit better.

In this edition, we feature LeAnn Wilson!

“When patients are empowered, their lives change. My number one goal is to empower patients while providing family-focused support that improves quality of life and makes a difference for the bleeding disorders community.”

LeAnn Wilson has been an active member of the bleeding disorders community since 2008 and has served in her role as a BioMatrix Regional Care Coordinator since 2016. She primarily serves patients in Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana. LeAnn was born, raised and still happily resides in Bethel Springs, Tennessee, with her husband Adam of 19 years and their two children, Hunter and Haylee. In addition to spending time with her family, she enjoys the outdoors, crafting, singing and cheering on her kids as they do what they love! 

As a mother of a son with severe hemophilia, she attended many local chapter events and began organizing fundraising activities to give back to the community. With a degree in business management, LeAnn uses her personal and professional experience to provide exceptional service to the families and individuals she works with.

What is your connection to the bleeding disorders community?

In April of 2008, we were thrown into the world of bleeding disorders two days after my son was born when his circumcision began to bleed excessively. My pediatrician ran some tests and asked if there was any family history of bleeding disorders, which there was none. The doctor returned with the lab results and confirmed my son had hemophilia A. My parents and those of my husband immediately gathered at the hospital. The doctor told us she didn’t know much about hemophilia but proceeded to give us a very brief explanation. She explained the baby would be given clotting factor and then transferred to St. Jude’s Hospital. After 3 hours of trying and 28 sticks, the clotting factor was finally administered.

How did you react to your son’s diagnosis?

My son’s diagnosis of severe hemophilia A was very difficult for me. I found myself very depressed and fearful. These feelings lasted for about a month.

How did you overcome your initial fears?

I overcame my initial emotions by educating myself on how to best care for him and leaning on my support group, which consisted of our parents, my pharmacy rep and especially a nurse at St. Jude. The nurse gave me a lot of reading material and was very patient with my constant questions. She showed great compassion even when I called fearing I had clipped my son’s nails and nipped his skin. The nurse and my pharmacy rep were always available to answer my many questions. Their support and kindness were crucial to me.

Early on, I learned the importance of connecting with others in the community, gaining knowledge and insight from my peers and applying what I learned to support my family. I even completed a phlebotomy course to gain a deeper insight and understanding for peripheral infusions.

As a Regional Care Coordinator, how do you feel you are Making a Difference?

I aspire to make a difference by helping address the range of needs bleeding disorder community members require. I connect and encourage patients to engage the clinical resources at their disposal while providing emotional and peer-support for families as they navigate life with a bleeding disorder. I stay actively involved with the community in my role as a Care Coordinator and on a personal level as well.

What is one of your proudest achievements?

In 2020, I was recognized by the Tennessee Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders Foundation with the “Volunteer of the Year” award. I want to give back and support my community in any meaningful way possible and would do so regardless, but to receive the award was such an honor!

Do you have a favorite quote?

My favorite quote is “Knowledge is Power” and that is my goal, to empower members of our community with the knowledge and support to properly care for themselves, their family and their loved ones.

What would you say to a newly diagnosed family?

Just breathe. Take a minute and relax. I don’t sugar coat things and say it’s all going to be easy, but I tell new parents that they will be okay—they are stronger than they know, and they will get through this.

Especially to new mothers, I advise them to step away a bit and to be sure to take care of themselves. It’s easy to get lost in caring for others with no regard for yourself. Taking a bit of time for oneself helps balance life and makes for a better caretaker. I also advise parents to educate themselves as well as their loved ones and to set those nearest to them as a source of support and to share in emotions.

Contact LeAnn
Mobile: (731) 610-5034

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