Meet the Team: Tina McMullen


BioMatrix is dedicated to making a difference in the bleeding disorders community. Our team of Regional Care Coordinators and Patient Care Specialists provide support that draws on personal experience and a genuine commitment to the bleeding disorders community. Our “Meet the Team” segment invites you to get to know our incredible staff a little bit better.

In this edition, we feature Tina McMullen.

Tina has served as a Regional Care Coordinator in the Pennsylvania area for over 8 years. She is a fierce advocate, hemo-mom, and one of the kindest people you’ll ever meet.

What is your connection to the bleeding disorders community?

My son Dakota was diagnosed at 6 months of age with severe hemophilia B. A few weeks before his 6 months check-up, we noticed bruising all over his chest. I was terrified our pediatrician would think we were abusing him. The pediatrician immediately ordered a series of tests. Waiting for those results was the longest 2 weeks of my life.

When the results came back positive for hemophilia, our world was turned upside down. We do not have a family history of hemophilia and had never even considered it. We found out on a Friday, and on Monday we were at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. After all the crying we knew we had to educate ourselves. We started attending educational programs at our HTC and got involved with our local chapter.

What brought you to BioMatrix?

After my son’s diagnosis, I became very active in the community. I was on the Parent Advisory Board at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. My husband and I were “County Captains” for our local chapter. I wanted to help other families dealing with the same issues I dealt with so when the opportunity to work in the community as a specialty pharmacy rep came up, I knew it was meant to be.

How do you feel you are Making a Difference?

I feel I am Making a Difference by being a mom and community member first. Always remembering what I wanted for my son. I look at every community member as family. It is my responsibility to help every one of my “family members” address and overcome any obstacle they may be faced with.

What do you cherish about your role as a Regional Care Coordinator?

What I cherish most about my job is working alongside the pharmacy to provide the best possible care. Talking with a new parent who thinks they are all alone. Seeing that flash of relief, of hope, of realization that everything is going to be okay are the moments I truly cherish.

What was your most difficult challenge raising a child with hemophilia and how did you overcome it?

There have been so many challenges over the years. First bleed, first infusion, first day of school, first time away at camp, the list goes on and on. I’ll go with the most recent one. When Dakota moved out last year, I worried about everything. My mind was constantly racing. Did he get to work okay? Did he get home okay? Is he infusing like he is supposed to? As weeks turned into months without any issues, I finally realized things were going to be okay.

I did my job of teaching my son how to effectively manage his bleeding disorder. Worry has now turned into the satisfaction of watching my son spread his wings. He’s found the most wonderful young lady, Steph, and now it’s their time to start their lives together.

Who has been the most positive influence in your life, and in what way?

My mom, Connie, was my most positive influence. At the age of 27, my mom was widowed with 2 small children. Her strength and determination have always inspired me. I believe learning from my mom is what has gotten me through the tough times and greatly influenced the person I am today.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

Dakota’s hematologist told my husband and me from the very beginning, “You cannot put your son in a bubble. There will be some things he cannot do, and there are some precautions you will have to take, but by and large, he will be a normal kid.” Those words stuck with me for a very long time and had such a calming impact during a time of confusion and fear.

What motivates you – what is your passion?

My passion is making a difference in people’s lives. Showing compassion, empathy, and understanding while helping lead patients to the resources and support that makes life with a bleeding disorder a little easier.

What is your proudest achievement?

My proudest achievement is going from having an infant diagnosed with a bleeding disorder and knowing nothing about it to advocating, educating, and supporting others. Building community and working as part of a caring team that truly is making a difference in the lives of others makes me proud.

Contact Tina
Mobile: (484) 942-4457

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