New Mexico’s Hybrid Camp

By Felix L. Garcia, Camp Counselor

That’s right – summer camp can be hybrid! In my home state of New Mexico, our bleeding disorders camp committee thought this would be the way to engage as many campers as possible, as safely as possible, given the potential hazards of COVID-19. Hybrid was different, to say the least, and by no means can it be compared to an in-person awesome week at the campground together but given the circumstances, it proved to be a great option. I’m a camp counselor, and this is my take on hybrid camp for children with bleeding disorders.

As an adult with hemophilia in my late 40’s, I went to bleeding disorders camp as a kid and eventually returned to serve as a counselor, program director and even camp director at various camps for kids affected by bleeding disorders. I’m currently a counselor and help create programming for Sangre de Oro Bleeding Disorder Foundation of New Mexico’s Camp Sangre Valiente. Last year, in an attempt to include as many campers as possible, the idea of a hybrid version of camp was encouraged.

Hybrid Camp means a camp that is both virtual via a Zoom platform and in-person. Our camp committee led by Camp Director Alfonso Jaramillo had to first decide what a hybrid camp was going to look like. We opted for an “on-the-road” style camp. This meant taking our camp program to a couple of sites in the state, while still hosting a virtual camp on other days. This was a lot to ask of the chapter staff and volunteers, but of course, the dedicated team decided it was worth the effort to provide the very best programming for our youth.

For ease of scheduling, we decided to have 3 consecutive days of virtual programming, followed by two days of in-person programming. Camp was held June 9-13, 2021. During our virtual programming June 9-11, we made meals from all over the world and included a bit of education on what it’s like to live with hemophilia in that region. Before camp, the registered families were sent the recipes, a grocery list and a gift card to purchase the ingredients so they could cook along… and cook along they did! I was able to represent Italy and led a program called Pizza Dude. My campers made their own pizza and learned a few key tips on how to order a pizza as well as how to order their factor and supply products from their specialty pharmacy.

On another day we made garlic noodles and chicken nuggets as we learned about bleeding disorders in Asia. Campers also made desserts with their other counselors, which was sweet! Virtual camp was attended by around 40 campers and family members who jumped in on the fun. It was a delicious and educational time!

The in-person part of our hybrid camp took place June 12-13. We sponsored travel and overnight accommodations for anyone 2 or more hours away from either of the two camp locations, Ruidoso and Albuquerque. What made the in-person camp experience extra special is that to have as many campers attend as possible, we opened the activities to the entire household. At each location, attendance was limited due to restrictions and precautions, but with more than 50 participants, we were still able to make awesome memories!

The chapter led a special arts & crafts project where we decorated shoes, which were later donated to the Ronald McDonald House in Albuquerque. After hearing from our guest speaker, Christopher Ingram, a professional bowler with severe hemophilia, families had an opportunity to enjoy a few games of bowling at nearby alleys. Christopher is a great role model, and his story was an awesome inspiration to us all.

And then there was the Gaga Pit. Any camper who has played Gaga knows it is a camp highlight! The pit was constructed with corral panels and everyone, especially the dads, had a riot!

This year, we are all hopeful in-person camp returns full force. As an adult, there is nothing like hanging with a bunch of kids to bring out the kid in you. If it turns out that we can’t gather in person, the New Mexico chapter and camp planners are ready to go hybrid again! Good luck to all the campers out there, and remember, even if camp is virtual, you don’t want to miss it!

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