Pharmacy Times Featured Article: Peer-Based Support as an Effective Paradigm of Care for Persons with Chronic Illness


Data from 2018 suggest most US physicians spend between 12 and 28 minutes with their patients, with 1 in 4 spending less than 12 minutes.1 In many cases, these few minutes will be the only direct physician contact patients have for the year. Both patients and physicians agree that more time would be ideal; in fact, one survey noted that only 14% of physicians felt their visits with patients “offered all the time needed to provide the highest standards or care.”2

In this article featured in Pharmacy Times, our own Shelby Smoak, PhD, discusses how peer support can help fill this gap, reinforcing physician recommendations while providing ongoing support around education, access to care, adherence, psychosocial challenges, and assistance with general daily maintenance. Read the full article here.

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  1. Franklin, Remy. “Are Doctors Spending Less Time with Patients?” MobiusMD. 23 Sept. 2019.

  2. Fischer, Edwin B, et. al. “Contributions of Peer Support to Health, Health Care, and Prevention: Papers from Peers for Progress.” Annals of Family Medicine. Aug. 2015.